

Maintaining these sites in good order requires a continuing cycle of work.

Litter-picking is an obvious example, as well as dealing with the more serious offence of fly-tipping. We have dedicated volunteers who devote considerable time and energy to removing large quantities of litter and rubbish from the Evergreen sites.

Path maintenance is another important issue, and we have helpers who have laid all-weather paths in areas that are liable to become muddy. We have also built steps in order to facilitate access where needed, mindful of the requirement to keep the sites looking natural..

Finally, and most seriously, is the task of protecting the woods from vandalism. Some children, a very small minority, have taken to burning trees down. We take this matter extremely seriously, as do the local council, the police and the fire service

- The children can seriously injure themselves while setting the fires

- Innocent passers-by can be hurt or killed by a damaged tree that falls unexpectedly

- In dry summers, the whole wood could be destroyed by fire

We therefore fully support the police and local authority in prosecuting to the fullest extent any offenders that are caught and we urge parents to warn their children of the dangers.






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